Doing Good Faithfully – Ravi Chandran

Ravi shares a message entitled “Doing Good Faithfully”. Matthew records three important parables in chapter 25. We read about the parable of the ten virgins, the bags of gold, and the sheep and goats. These parables are truly fascinating, and I implore you to read the entire chapter before Sunday.

However, in the middle of these parables, we read about the parable of the bag of gold and those who invested their talents in the kingdom of God. The reward for the faithful is, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful to me with a few things; I will entrust you with many things. Come, share in your master’s joy!” (Matt 25:21) By the way – the Master is always HAPPY 🙂

Doing things, being good, and being faithful as a servant seemed to top the list of God’s requirements for ruling and reigning with Him in His coming happy Kingdom. For unbelievers, it is all about making the most of the present life in a diminishing world and signing up for a future mystical destiny. For believers, the future depends on what is DONE in goodness and faithfulness on earth.

So what can we “do” if salvation is based on faith? How can we be “good” when righteousness is based on the blood? Finally, how can we be “faithful” when our overall character is as inaccurate as the daily weather forecast?