ICC newsletter, week 6, 2025


This Sunday, 090225, we resume adult and children’s services in ICC from 13:00 to 14:30. In the adult service, Ravi will share a theological message entitled “Who is ‘BOSS’?”

We will examine the biblical perspective on God’s sovereignty. What does this actually mean? Does sovereignty indicate that every detail in our lives is predetermined? Does this exempt us from consequences for our own actions? Should we even preach the gospel if it is already predetermined who will be saved and who will not? What is the point of praying if we simply do not possess the power to change an iota of the future?

Deep questions indeed, and they could be divisive, too! In fact, entire denominations have been started due to their understandings or misunderstandings concerning God’s sovereignty. Without creating any more confusion, we want to bring clarity to the matter by balancing scripture with God’s consistent character and man’s responsibility. Come and be blessed this Sunday. You will surely not regret it.

ICC is the place to get in touch with God, others, and your divine destiny!


  1. Friday the 28th from 19:00-22:00, ICC will be having our first evening prayer meeting in Kingos. Come and join us for a time of testimonies, praise, prayer and fellowship. All are welcome. 
  2. We have made a New Year Pledge in ICC to help with outreach and help cover deficits. To participate, you may pledge at the following link.
  3. Our New Homepage is now up and running. Check it out at www.getintouch.dk Kindly share, share, share with all your friends and family. 
  4. Please take note that this coming week we will be winter break. There will NOT be Midweek on Thursday 13th February

You can DOWNLOAD the SPC manuals as PDF for free, or buy them in ICC for DKK 90,- for all 3 books. If you want the books sent, please email us at info@getintouch.dk for more information.
(There will be a postage fee to the price for shipping.)

You can buy Ravi’s recent book online as an e-book or as a physical book, in both English and Danish via the links below: