ICC newsletter, week 8, 2025


This Sunday, 230225, we resume adult and children’s services in ICC from 13:00 to 14:30 at Kingos, Bragesgade 35, 2200 Kbh. At the adult service, we will begin a series of messages on the 38 parables shared by Jesus. We will cover one monthly parable, beginning with the “Parable of the Sower.”

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus taught in parables to fulfil prophecy as stated in Matthew 13:10-17. Parables are not meant to be mystical but rather to reveal the mysteries of God to those who are truly seeking Him.

The parable of the sower was among those that Jesus Himself gave the interpretation to His disciples in private. It reveals the condition of the human heart in response to God’s Word. It inspires us to discover what can potentially rob us of our full potential as God’s children as we evaluate the many distractions that we face daily.

Come and preferably join us in person (or online). Let us dig deep into God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into the image of Christ. Invite your friends and family by forwarding this mail. God bless each one who responds to Him.

ICC is where you get in touch with God, others, and your divine destiny!


  1. On Friday, the 28th, from 19:00-22:00, ICC will have our first evening prayer meeting in Kingos. Come and join us for a time of testimonies, praise, prayer and coffee fellowship. All are welcome.
  2. We have made a New Year Pledge in ICC to help with outreach and help cover deficits. To participate, you may pledge at the following link.
  3. It is time to renew our Missions Pledges to our partners in ministry. Join us for the next season (Feb-May 2025) to help them with their works.
  4. Our New Homepage is now up and running. Check it out at www.getintouch.dk Kindly share, share, share with all your friends and family.
  5. ICC and Kingos are having a joint bilingual Fastelavn Service Sunday the 2nd of March at 13:00 This is truly a great time to have fun, fellowship and an opportunity for outreach. Invite your entire family, friends and children/adults are welcome to come dressed in their favourite costumes. We of course will have a barrel to hit during the fellowship time with prizes to be won by young and old.

You can read more about “Fastelavn” in English at the bottom of THIS PAGE

You can DOWNLOAD the SPC manuals as PDF for free, or buy them in ICC for DKK 90,- for all 3 books. If you want the books sent, please email us at info@getintouch.dk for more information.
(There will be a postage fee to the price for shipping.)

You can buy Ravi’s recent book online as an e-book or as a physical book, in both English and Danish via the links below: